Summer at Woodstock – Daily life

What is it that makes Summer at Woodstock’s On Campus session so special? This page describes daily life during our two-week in-person session from June 2-13, 2025 and July 7 – 18, 2025!

About Us


Summer at Woodstock is an extraordinary adventure! Set amidst the stunning beauty of mountain forests and in a school famous for its innovative approaches to learning, young people from across the world discover the perfect summer experience in in this extraordinary part of India. With a focus on fun and hands-on experiential learning, our summer programmes offer young people a rich and transformative holistic experience. Caliber staff, exceptional resources and an inspiring range of dynamic activities make for a truly memorable experience.


Woodstock’s summer programme builds on an approach to education which has inspired generations of Woodstock students to find their potential and to flourish! This approach combines fun-filled challenge with a unique approach to the personal development of young people.  The experience we offer is deliberately designed to help elicit the greatness in each young person through individualized learning in a safe, caring and supportive environment.  Challenging, engaging and experiential, this approach creates the ideal conditions in which a young person can thrive!  For young people excited by the possibility of change and motivated to act through personal example and courageous leadership, our summer programme can be a transformative and defining experience.


The programmes are characterised by a friendly and dynamic atmosphere; there is an air of happy purposefulness here; a determination to succeed; to enjoy life, to enjoy each other’s company and, most importantly, to discover that there is far more in each of us than we think!

Daily Life


Participants stay in Woodstock dorms, modern buildings set in the midst of an ancient forest. Every morning participants eat a nutritious breakfast in dorms followed by a beautiful (and vigorous!) 15-minute walk up the mountain to the main campus, where students gather together for an assembly and debriefing before separating into smaller groups for their chosen courses. Our courses fill the morning with two, intense 100-minute sessions. Over lunch, participants then have a chance to relax, make new friends and enjoy some open gym time before the third and final session of the day, either a continuation of their course or a separate, afternoon activity that allows them to diversify their experience a bit more. The late afternoon offers time for one-on-one coaching, mentoring, or open studio time, or simply the chance to talk with new friends before dinner.  Each evening, our team of student interns arranges a fun social activity ranging from bonfires to board games to open mic nights. We consistently hear that the warm environment and positive relationships participants form with peers and tutors represent some of the highlights of Summer at Woodstock!


Whether you’re into Music or Outdoors, strive to improve your language skills in English, or want to learn more about  Leadership skills, Summer at Woodstock has a range of programmes to excite and challenge every student.

Glimpses from Summer at Woodstock 2022

Daily Schedule


Time Weekdays
7:00 – 7:45 Breakfast
8:30 – 8:45 Morning Assembly/Advisor Time
8:50 – 10:30 Morning Program Session 1
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Tea Break in UY & Quad Dining Hall
11:00 – 12:40 Morning Program Session 2
12:40 – 2:30 Lunch A/Open Gym A/Centre for Imagination
2:30 – 4:10 Afternoon Activity
4:10 – 4:30 Evening Tea Break in Quad for all
4:30 – 4:45 Advisor Check-In/Return to Dorms
5:00 – 6:00 Time for calls home
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
7:15 – 9:00 Social Activity
9:00 – 9:30 Quiet Reflection Time
9:30 Lights Out




Lights out time varies by age group and we insist that students turn in all electronic devices to dorm parents every night.