Share your story

Whether you are taking your first career steps after graduation, are being recognised for a distinguished career, or you know of a classmate or fellow Woodstocker who you think we should feature, we want to hear from you. Complete the form to share your story with us or email to


    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Maiden Name

    Email *

    Class Year *

    How many years did you attend Woodstock?

    Where are you from?

    What brought you to Woodstock?

    Who did you most look up to during your time there?

    What do you miss the most?

    How did Woodstock shape who you are?

    What were you involved in during your time at Woodstock?

    What are you involved in now that you’re passionate about?

    Where did you go to university and what did you study?

    Share with us a note on your time in Mussoorie