06 Nov Kindness shines through during Chapel
Distance learning hasn’t put a stop to the school coming together to worship and celebrate, which has always been an important part of the Woodstock School life experience. The school had its third Chapel service of this academic year on Friday 6 November, with staff and students from grades two to twelve in attendance.
Principal Dr Craig Cook was the keynote speaker at this week’s chapel, speaking on the theme of Kindness, starting with the story of David and Mephibosheth from 2 Samuel, Chapter 9, and then drawing from other encouraging examples.
The previous chapels this year were led by Rev Dr Brian Dunn (Woodstock Class of 1989) and Mr Jonathan Abraham (Woodstock graduating class of 2001). Jonathan drew from his travels around the world, his experience working in a dairy farm in Australia and his life in Dehradun to show how God has been his Shepherd (Psalm 23) and assured the congregation of his faith that God will continue provide for His people during the COVID-19 situation. Brian talked about his interesting time in India, especially his travels and how God was faithful to him and his family whenever they faced challenges.
The dedicated Upper Years Chapel Band lead the time of praise and worship with excellent gospel music , all of which they rehearsed virtually. The chapel band has been rehearsing online consistently during distance learning.
Sanjaya Mark, who has taken on the additional responsibility of Interim Chaplain along with her role as Director of Community Engagement, hopes to continue to invite more people in the future who can connect with students and share lessons drawn from their experiences. She is keen to have friends of Woodstock, in particular alumni, to connect with current students and staff members. Sanjaya is grateful to have the council of a supportive Chaplaincy team comprising of both staff and student representation.
The Christmas Chapel, which will be held just before school closes for the Winter, promises to be a wonderful celebration of the Christmas message conveyed through Woodstock’s wonderful musicians and through scripture readings.
Brian Dunn (Class of 1989) is currently a professor of Geography and Religious Studies at the Lakehead University in Thunder Bay Ontario and also works at the Nokiiwin Tribal Council. His wife Marla also is an ex staff member and their daughters, Rachel, Miriam, Asha and Pippa went to school here. Dr Dunn earned his doctorate in Theology from Oxford University.
Jonathan Abraham (Class of 2001) currently the South Asia Regional Director for an international leadership development group called ‘Development Associates International’. He speaks and writes on leadership development, personal integrity, and the Bible. Jonathan is also a trainer and consultant for several UN agencies in Delhi. Just before the pandemic hit, Jonathan was part of the team that transitioned 400 WHO polio workers to shift focus to public health and who consequently became the WHO frontline Corona response teams. Jonathan lives in Dehradun with his wife (Sharon, Woodstock’s graduating Class of 99) and two young daughters.
Janvi Poddar, Class of 2021
Posted at 13:17h, 12 Januaryuseful post!