Woodstock School Distinguished and Outstanding Young Alumni Awardees 2023

Woodstock School Distinguished and Outstanding Young Alumni Awardees 2023

Congratulations to 2023’s Distinguished Alumna Awardee Dr. Yuka Makino (Class of 1988) and our first-ever Outstanding Young Alumna Awardee Ms. Radhika Jain (Class of 1999). We couldn’t be prouder of their remarkable journeys and outstanding accomplishments, hallmarks of true service to our community. Woodstock School is privileged and honored to recognize them as this year’s awardees. Read Dr. Makino’s and Ms. Jani’s full award citations in the latest edition of The Quadrangle 2023.

Dr. Yuka Makino ’88, Distinguished Alumna Awardee 

Dr. Yuka Makino, a luminary in international development, has been honored as a Distinguished Alumna of Woodstock School. Her journey showcases a commitment to facilitating positive change around the world in a variety of areas including natural resources management, rural development, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk management. 

Yuka holds a PhD and Master’s Degree in Terrestrial Ecosystem Management focusing on Himalayan Mountain Ecology from the University of Michigan, USA, and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Law and Policy from the International Christian University in Tokyo. During her graduate research, she spent eight months living in a village in Tehri Garhwal Himalaya. Spending 14 years of her childhood in India, including 13 years at Woodstock School, added cultural richness to her global outlook. 

 Yuka’s scholarly contributions include over a dozen academic papers on mountain ecology, mountain development and climate change. Her technical expertise is evident in her work, which has included programs developed in 29 countries across East Asia, South Asia, Eastern Europe, South America and Africa. Her current role as the Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to Myanmar, follows a long succession of impactful leadership positions. 

Before assuming the FAO Representative position, Yuka served as a Senior Forestry Officer and Team Leader of the Mountain and Water Team at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. She was also the Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat which supported more than 400 government and community organizations globally on mountain development and the Secretary for the European Forestry Commission Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds. She also served on the Board of the International Mountain Society in Berne, Switzerland. Prior to FAO, Yuka was a Senior Natural Resources and Disaster Risk Management Officer at the World Bank in Washington DC, USA from 2001 to 2018.  Earlier experiences include roles at the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the United Nations Development Programme. She has held field postings in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Dhaka, Bangladesh, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar and Tokyo, Japan, showcasing her global perspective.

Maintaining a connection to Woodstock School and the surrounding hillside, Yuka has actively sought ways to serve. As a guest lecturer for the 2022 Woodstock Summer School Leadership course, she gave back in a way that brought insight and awareness to children from all over India as well as to Woodstock School Summer School faculty. 

Yuka attended Woodstock School for 13 years and her siblings Chiho Makino ’91 and Yoshia Makino ’93 are also Woodstock School alumni. During her time at Woodstock, Yuka was not only academically accomplished but also an active participant in various extracurricular activities. Serving as Class Treasurer, Class President, and Class Representative on the School Council showcased her exemplary leadership. Yuka’s engagement in music, including participation in the Orchestra, piano, and choir, reflected her multifaceted talents. Her involvement in the Delhi Symphony Orchestra, String Quartet, AV Crew, National Honor Society, Amnesty International, intramural sports, and Socially Useful and Productive Work Projects reveal the breadth of her involvement as a student. 

In summary, Dr. Yuka Makino’s journey from Woodstock School to the FAO Representative to Myanmar is a testament to her dedication, leadership, and global impact. Woodstock School is privileged to recognize Yuka as a Distinguished Alumna, celebrating her lifelong achievements and the positive influence she continues to exert on the world stage. 


Ms. Radhika Jain ’99, Outstanding Young Alumna Awardee

Radhika Jain, an alumna of the Woodstock School class of ’99, receives Woodstock School’s first-ever Outstanding Young Alumni Award for her exceptional contributions to health economics. Currently an Assistant Professor of Health Economics at the Global Business School for Health, University College London, and an invited researcher at JPAL South Asia, Radhika’s impact extends globally. 

 Radhika’s research, primarily focused on healthcare markets, socioeconomic and gender inequality, and health policy design, demonstrates her commitment to addressing crucial issues in lower-income countries, particularly India. She holds a Master’s in Public Policy and an ScD in Global Health and Economics from Harvard University, supplemented by an Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University. Her research on government health insurance in India, especially the strategic behavior of private hospitals, highlights the complexities of public health programs and earned her the IHEA 2021 Adam Wagstaff Award. 

Supported by grants from Harvard University, the Weiss Family Fund, and JPAL, Radhika’s work has reached beyond academia. Media and policy outlets in India, including IGC-Ideas for India, ADB-Development Asia, Mint, and The Telegraph, have covered her research. Radhika’s insights have also been shared on the Ideas of India podcast. 

Maintaining strong ties with Woodstock School, Radhika attended from grades 6-12. Her mother, Mira Jain, was a dedicated staff member working in the High School Office, Health Centre, and IT department, eventually becoming the Quad Computer Lab Supervisor. Her brother, Nitin Jain ’01, is also a Woodstock alumnus. Radhika has actively participated in Woodstock gatherings in London and virtual events. 

At Woodstock, Radhika was a distinguished member of the National Honor Society, serving as President in grade 12. She played vital roles as Class Representative on the Student Council and Class President, engaging in community service, tutoring, and contributing to Stage Crew and Computer Crew. Her versatility and leadership were evident in her participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award in grades 9 and 10. 

 Beyond accolades, Radhika’s research has influenced national policy. Cited in the Consultation Paper on Provider Payment Rates and Pricing Under PMJAY by the Indian National Health Authority in 2022, her work contributes to shaping health systems in India. 

 Woodstock School proudly honors Radhika Jain with the Outstanding Young Alumni Award. May her journey inspire students to pursue excellence and contribute meaningfully to societal well-being. 

Distinguished alumni are nominated by our community, reviewed by school leadership, and approved by the Woodstock School Board of Directors. Do you have someone in mind to nominate for Distinguished Alumna or Alumnus? Be on the lookout for our Call for Nominations and nomination form in the next Alumni Connections. If you have questions or ideas to share in the meantime, please email us at alumni@woodstock.ac.in.

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