
  Marie Saleem visited Woodstock during the fall of 2018 to attend her 25th class reunion. Originally from the Maldives, she currently lives in Sri Lanka and works with Reefscapers as a consultant to the PEW environment group, on their global shark campaign. Why Woodstock? My name is Marie Saleem and I am...

  Unknown to them, 1947 was a pivotal year for two children coming to Woodstock School for the first time.  Ashok Mayadas was enrolled in Standard One in March, and Judith Dillingham joined the Standard One class in April.  Ashok came from Ferozepore, Punjab, and Judith came from Escalon, California.  Their lives...

Key speeches from 2018 Graduation service, including from Valedictorian Hyechan Jun, Salutatorian Hah Yeon Lee, and guest speaker, former Head of High School, Jonathan Seefeldt ’00.   Valedictorian Hyechan Jun   To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what I’m doing up here. Clearly I must have done something right to be standing in front of...

When did you graduate and how many years did you spend here? I graduated in 2006 (Intrepid) and while my time there was divided in two, I spent about 8 years altogether. Where are you from? I'm from Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir but this question is hard to answer cause my mom...

The Class of 2018 has spread out across the world to new destinations and adventures   On Saturday 26 May, the Class of 2018 graduated and left Woodstock! For everyone in the school community – students, educators, parents and of course most of all the seniors themselves - Graduation is a crux...

With the Class of 2018 quickly approaching their Graduation, we caught up with the three students - Jayant Singh, Abhishek Bhandari and Avanya Joab, who have been at Woodstock the longest to find out what they would miss!  How long have you been in Woodstock? Jayant: 15 years Abhishek: 8 years Avanya: 12 years If...

Annie Dieselberg graduated from Woodstock in 1982, having spent her senior year at the school. Describing herself as a true Third Culture Kid, her citizenship is American but she started moving at a young age and spent her childhood in Belgium, Congo, France, US, Thailand and then India. She presently lives...