
David Webb, Grade 9 History Teacher, decided to give his classes something a little different. To help them explore the late Medieval and emerging Civilizations period of 800-1500 they were to choose a civilization and report in the form of a newspaper from the civilization's perspective. The newspaper must have included reports...

Are you ready to rock? If yes, then get ready to turn your amp up to 11 for Woodstock School's first ever inter-school Battle of the Bands competition.On 24 March bands from Woodstock and other schools in Uttarakhand, as well as schools from as far afield as Delhi, will fight...

Our 2012 Development Associates underwent a training session on our 2020 Vision for the school. We showed them our message of People, Passion and Potential. Hazel Ebenezer, one of our new associates in journalism went out into our Woodstock community and found an employee who is the epitome of the...

A new partnership was established between Woodstock and an American school district in Texas this week, with the aim of forging friendship and future exchanges of students and curricula. A delegation from Hurst-Euless-Bedford (HEB) Independent School District in Fort Worth, Dallas, visited Woodstock on Monday to formally sign an agreement to...

This week begins a new fortnightly feature, "thirty minutes in a classroom". We asked new Development Associate, Prasanna Bista to attend a year six class and report back on the student learning experience at Woodstock. In weeks to come we will feature different classes and grades for you to enjoy. It...

Woodstock students' ability to speak more than one language and the importance of aerobic exercise in the school curriculum are two factors contributing to our young people developing the crucial life skill of self control. So said Head of High School David Anderson in senior school assembly on Monday when expanding...

"The music department would like to congratulate all of the students for their success through hard work and preparation" announced Mr Ravi Arthur at this morning's senior assembly. Forty five students undertook various grade level examinations with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Performance that was held...

What is it about the first day of the Spring semester and the weather? Today rain, thunder, lightning and snow greeted students on the long walk up or down to school. The magnificent Himalayan environment in which we live and work was all the more stunning with a light covering...

New Woodstock Principal Dr Jonathan Long urged the community to "seek truth, appreciate beauty and respect difference" during his keynote speech at the staff pre-semester retreat last week. Dr Long, who comes to Woodstock after three years as Principal of UWC Mahindra College in Pune, encouraged staff to be a...

Staff are beginning to return to Woodstock. It has so far been a cold and wet winter, but there are some blue skies now and again. The hills are still as beautiful, and the bazaar is cleaner than it's ever been. Click here for a short bazaar video at