
I've just sent out an email to the people we have called the "vision leaders". They are responsible for putting together the goals and action plans for each of the eight key areas of 2020 Vision. Woodstock is a busy, place but October is always pa...

Three assessors from the Institute of Education, part of the University of London in the UK, visited Woodstock last week to discuss the possiblity of setting up a postgraduate learning programme for both academic and support staff.The assessors observed about 35 classes at Woodstock across 16 different subjects, met with students and staff, and visited dorms and...

Last September (2011) the Woodstock Board enthusiastically adopted 2020 Vision as the basis for Woodstock School's next strategic plan. 2020 Vision takes an ambitious view of Woodstock's future as one of the world's most distinctive international ...

Thought for Food and what we consume is the theme for this year throughout the school. Physical food is what we eat and what fills our stomachs, and in the recent Sunday Chapel service we looked beyond this to the "food" that fills our mind and soul.Under the banner of I am the Bread of Life,...

Mini College Fair 1-2PM Monday, Sept. 3 in Parker HallGrades 10-12 are encouraged to attend after lunch/music. The following universities will be in attendance:University of IowaUniversity of KansasUniversity of NebraskaEmbry Riddle Aeronautical UniversityMillikin UniversityUniversity of Edinburgh...

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology will visit Dehradun Sunday evening after chapel. Seniors interested in engineering and science careers, please email Mrs. Bowling by Wednesday 9PM to attend....

DurhamUniversity social science and economics professors will be guest lecturing in classes this Thursday morning, and are available 1st and 2nd periods for individual meetings with students. Contact Mrs. Bowling in advance for an appointment....

House captains and cross country captains are reminded to continue their House Cross Country practices and get their teams ready for the Inter House Cross Country which is on Wednesday, 5th September. All sign ups need to be in to Mr. Mark by Monday,3rd Sept. 12noon. Senior School participants get...

Students, staff, alumni and guests of Woodstock School gathered in the Win Mumby gym on Wednesday (August 15) for the annual Indian flag raising ceremony, this year celebrating the 65th anniversary of Indian independence.The flag was raised by the school’s four longest-serving students who have all been here ten years – Achi...

After being married just seven months Owen and Ashlea Fidler waved goodbye to friends and family in Australia to come to Woodstock. Owen's interest in teaching in an international school was ignited by his own student experience.His parents both work in an international school in Beijing and he spent a term there teaching Grade...