Woodstock |

Author: Will Ferguson

At Woodstock, this is what embodies global citizenship: "A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world and has the disposition to transcend cultural, religious, and socio-economic difference in pursuit of the common good. Global citizens understand the only concept of 'we' that matters is the one that...

Teenagers say that social media provides them a valuable source of creative self-expression and makes them feel less lonely and more connected. So are parental concerns about social media unfounded? Woodstock Principal Dr Jonathan Long explores the ways, both good and bad, in which the technology can affect young people's...

On Saturday students celebrated Sadie Hawkins, a US and Woodstock tradition, where young women ask young men to accompany them to a dinner and dance. Photos: Kittapa Sasivimonpan [gallery size="large" columns="1" link="file" ids="31287,31294,31278,31282,31280,31295,31284,31285,31288,31296,31276,31283,31299,31275,31293,31281"]  ...

Sixteen teams are converging on Woodstock School for the nineteenth Win Mumby All-India Basketball Tournament. The championship starts on today and runs until Saturday 3 November. This year, the participating boys’ teams are: Apex Public School (Delhi), The Asian School (Dehra Dun), The Doon School (Dehra Dun), Modern School (Delhi), Motilal...

Grade 6 art students have been developing their observational skills by going big on some everyday items. Imagining themselves as giants, they've made huge replicas of some of their favourite foods and toys in Miss Genevieve's class. Blowing these up to such a colossal scale compels students to examine items they may...

Woodstock Principal Dr Jonathan Long shares three simple steps to helping teenagers through what can be an emotional time. According to Steven Wood, Professor of adolescent brain development and mental health at the University of Birmingham, teenagers have more emotional range than adults. This is often seen in the ups and...