Alumni back in campus! May 2024

Alumni back in campus! May 2024

Welcome back to the campus alumni!


We are delighted to welcome you all back to campus! Whether you’re returning after many years or just recently, your presence brings a wonderful sense of joy and nostalgia. The past few months have been bustling at the Advancement and Alumni Office as we’ve had the pleasure of meeting and reconnecting with many visitors. Events such as the Jazz Jam, Festival of Ideas, WOSA Tea, and the Graduation Ceremony ensured that we had plenty of visitors returning and enjoying these moments with us.

Here are some snapshots of our alumni revisiting in recent months.


WOSA Tea –Welcome, Class of 2024, on your induction into WOSA (Woodstock Old Students Association) this morning! We are incredibly proud of our graduating class on this momentous occasion. We encourage you to support them as they transition into this next phase of their lives. You may even find some moving right next to you! The WOSA Tea continues the tradition of displaying all our class flags at the Quadrangle. Enjoy the pictures of the ceremony below.

Graduation 2024 – Thank you to all the alumni who gathered to celebrate our seniors’ commencement ceremony! We are especially proud of our alumni parents, Rajesh Agarwala ’96, Anita De Pree ’89 and Sara Doebler ‘94, and siblings who joined us in honouring this momentous occasion.

Siblings: Rohit ’13, Khushi ’19, and Abhinav Agarwal ’24

Sanjaya and Ajay Mark (Former Staff)


Iqbal Zaheer ’19, Amrita John (current staff), Rahima Thomas (current staff), Uma Maddison ’23, Theo Maddison ’24, Ved Maddison ’19 and friend, Ben Bowling (former staff), Rene Bowling (former staff) with family, and Md Yousuf (current staff).


Meilin Rohrer ’96 with her life partner and Philip Crider ’96 with his daughter

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