20 Apr Alumni news – Mr & Mrs Chophel set to retire
Mr. & Mrs. Chophel, who have an association with Woodstock that spans 43 years, will retire this summer. Throughout their many years of service, they’ve been an inspiration to generations of students and staff alike, with kindness, compassion and an unbending dedication to the community.
Mr & Mrs Chophel outside the school clinic where Mrs Chophel has soothed the ailments of so many Woodstockers
Mrs. Chophel first came to Woodstock as a student from Happy Valley, where she remembers performing in Parker Hall. She loved Woodstock but never dreamt that she would get the opportunity to work here. However, opportunity came knocking in 1974 when Patty Stewart (the then head of the school dispensary) offered her a position as an Assistant Nurse at Woodstock. She left in 1977 and after spending some time in West Bengal and Dehradun, found herself back at Woodstock in 1989 with a husband and three children: Tenzin, Nordon and Namdol.
I have loved being a part of this Woodstock family from the very first day.
Mr. Chophel has had a long association with Mussoorie, nearly thirty years of which has been spent at Woodstock. He first came to the school in 1989 with Mrs. Chophel and for the past 21 years has been in charge of the Travel and Liaison offices. During this time he has ensured safe passage for many thousands of Woodstock students and demonstrated unfathomable patience facilitating many more visa applications.
Demonstrating perfect balance – Mr Chophel slacklining in the Quad
Over their time at Woodstock, they have both been an integral part of the community. Mr. Chophel was awarded a National Bravery Award in 1991 by the Government of India for saving the life of one of Woodstock’s staff members. He has served in various parts of the school but has been the Liaison Officer for the school since 1998. Mrs. Chophel was given a gold coin by the staff members during Woodstock’s 150th Anniversary celebrations for service to the school for 25 years. She has been a familiar face for everyone at Woodstock, serving as the School Nurse since she returned to Woodstock in 1989.
We asked them what they will miss the most about Woodstock.
“As much as the school has trusted my work over the years, I too, have worked untiringly and to the best of my ability. And though I look forward to retiring now, I am going to miss this wonderful community very much!” Mr Chophel
“I have loved being a part of this Woodstock family from the very first day, which is what has kept me coming back, and what made me choose to bring my own family to experience this one of a kind place.” Mrs Chophel
A note to the graduating class?
“Never give up! Keep in touch with the school. Hard work is the most important thing and working with sincerity. Woodstock is such a special school, with all the experience you gain here, you must push yourself through further studies. We have great hope for all of you!”
Tara Menon, Alumni Relations Office
Carol Evans Alter
Posted at 21:29h, 20 AprilWhat a privilege it has been to have known the Chophels for most of their years at Woodstock! I count that a rare honour. I am saddened to see them go but wish them many new adventures in this next season of their lives. I know they go with many blessings and will be much missed!
Jonathan Derksen
Posted at 08:53h, 21 AprilSuch beautiful people. I miss them and they will be missed!
Samdup R. Phuntsok
Posted at 17:27h, 21 AprilBefitting tribute to the couple. Mr. & Mrs. Chophel are very highly regarded in our Tibetan community. This expression of tremendous appreciation of the services they have rendered makes us feel proud. We join the rest in wishing Mr. & Mrs. Chophel all the very best in the days, months and many years, years and years to come .
Sylvia Neinou Haokip
Posted at 14:00h, 29 AprilMr. Chophel – thank you for all the kindness and gentleness you have brought to Woodstock. We will always remember you warmly. We pray that you will find the same love and kindness wherever you go.
Mrs. Chophel-we will miss your refreshing smiles and gentle care. Woodstock healthcare will never be the same. God bless you all!
Chime Wangdu
Posted at 23:49h, 07 MayI have known Mr. and Mrs. Chophel from the early 1980’s when they were in Happy Valley. They were both respected members of the Tibetan community as they tirelessly gave their valuable time and service to the Tibetan Homes Foundation and its community. Moving to Woodstock school they brought their valuable experience of service to people and along with their love and compassion served the Woodstock community for over 20 years individually. The tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Chophel is not only befitting but truly deserved. My personal congratulations go to both of them on their retirement. I join the rest of the many well wishers in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Chophel a very happy retired life. Tashi delek! and God bless!