GAIL Conference 2024 in Peru

GAIL Conference 2024 in Peru

GAIL Peru Conference 2024, Hosted by Newton College: A Transformative, Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience for Woodstock Students


The GAIL trip to Peru was a phenomenal experience, as described by one of our student delegates. The journey included a week of cultural immersion, visiting historical landmarks such as the majestic Machu Picchu, the capital city Lima, and Cusco. Students explored Peru’s rich heritage, learning about the country’s history and culture while engaging with locals and practicing their Spanish in markets and other settings.

The conference week took place at the Sachavacayoc Centre in the Amazon Forest, within the Tambopata National Reserve, focused on the theme of sustainability. Each student chose a specific lens for their study, which guided their work throughout the week. This culminated in final presentations that were showcased at the conference’s closing exhibit. Following a week of workshops and discussions, GAIL students from each participating school developed sustainability pledges, which have now been adopted by their respective institutions.




A memorable highlight of the week was a night spent on a platform at Lake Sachavacayoc, where students witnessed a stunning sunset and sunrise, listened to the forest awaken at dawn, and even tried piranha fishing.

Overall, the Peru trip was an unforgettable and transformative experience for our students, instilling lessons in sustainability that they will carry forward into their futures.

One of the student delegates, Arjuna ’27 shares from his experience – I have been at Woodstock for 5 years now. I have been involved in countless events and passages but by far the most enlightening was Gail. Gail took me to a whole different part of the world. One I had never seen before. Not only communicating with other schools but being in a deeper diverse part of nature completely different from the one we get at Woodstock. Coming from a fairly coastal place the weather was nice to adapt to. The hikes we did in the forest were more like pleasant walks and we were able to take more time to observe nature because of our stamina. Overall, Gail massively contributed to my positive experiences at Woodstock. It helped me be more insightful as a personal and have a more diverse perspective.


Antonio Melgar, Spanish teacher and staff chaperone, who is also Peruvian, shares It was an eye-opening experience. As a Peruvian, I had the unique opportunity to visit Cuzco and the Amazon for the first time, alongside my students and coworkers. Together, we navigated various challenges, with everyone contributing their expertise and resilience, which resulted in zero incidents during our trip. I am convinced this experience not only provided our students with firsthand exposure to Peru’s rich culture and gastronomy but also allowed them to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, showcasing Woodstock School’s culture and values. I believe the insights gained from the GAIL program will positively impact our school for years to come.

The Woodstock delegation included Principal Dr. Cook, Director of the Centre for Imagination Jamie Williams, Head of Dorms Sarah Khan, Spanish Teacher Antonio Melgar, and Ady Manral, GAIL Champion and Alumni Relations Manager.

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