Woodstock Receives CIS Accreditation

Woodstock Receives CIS Accreditation

We are proud to announce that Woodstock is now a Council of International Schools (CIS) accredited school. 

CIS is a global membership community working collaboratively to shape international education through professional services to schools, higher education institutions, and individuals. Its members include many of the best international schools around the world.

The final award of CIS accreditation shows that the school has achieved high standards of professional performance in international education and has a commitment to continuous improvement. Woodstock’s journey has been a long one, with work beginning in earnest in 2017. It included a period of self-study and assessment, followed by an CIS evaluation visit by a team of educational professionals last Autumn. A great number of staff and students have been involved in the process, which has examined every aspect of Woodstock life – from how we live our principles in practise, through our classes and curriculum, to our enrichment and environmental management.

CIS highlighted a number of aspects of Woodstock’s culture and approach which really shone through during their assessment. These included the well-articulated strategic vision which is being ably implemented, and the exceptionally diverse co-curricular program throughout the school. They described the work of our auxiliary services staff as exemplary and felt their commitment and work ethic is exceptional. CIS also highlighted the outstanding dedication and support from the residential team which provides high levels of care for all the students. CIS were impressed with our ambitious plans for developing the campus, and how they align with our guiding principle of ‘treading lightly on the earth’. And they praised our commitment to the development of global citizenship – which is at the heart of both our ethos and CIS’s own.

While gaining CIS accreditation is a powerful endorsement of our approach, the real benefits lie in the support we will gain as part of a global community of the world’s best international schools. You can find out more about what it means to be a CIS accredited school here.

1 Comment
  • Brenda (Noe) Montgomery
    Posted at 23:56h, 20 February Reply

    Absolutely loved the video of a day in the life of Woodstock! Sparked many happy memories but it was also great to see all the changes. Job very nicely done! thank you!

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