
Woodstock's Class of 2018


The Class of 2018 has spread out across the world to new destinations and adventures


On Saturday 26 May, the Class of 2018 graduated and left Woodstock! For everyone in the school community – students, educators, parents and of course most of all the seniors themselves – Graduation is a crux moment, the culmination of many years of hard work and determination. It has also become a significant rite of passage for young people. In the modern western world, rites of passage have become increasingly secular and superficial.

For many teenagers, getting a driving license or experimenting with alcohol have become shallow replacements for what were once significant ways to mark key moments in life. The best rites of passage allow young people to find an empowering story – one which connects them to reliable values. It helps them to gain a better understanding of who they are, a stronger sense of personal responsibility and the kind of life they want to live. Woodstock’s culminating events for students – Baccalaureate and Graduation, provide a final framework within which they can step confidently into their futures.

We have immense pride in the accomplishments of this talented group of young people, whose collective strength of conviction is captured by their class motto, ‘Invicta’, meaning ‘invincible’.

This year, around half the class has been offered financial aid, worth a total of approximately US $2.2 million. Eight students received impressive awards of more than $50,000 each.

They have come a long way, reaching the end of one journey and the start of another as they spread out across the world to the new destinations and adventures which await them. This class has secured outstanding university and college offers at some of the leading academic institutions around the world – including selective universities and liberal arts colleges. This year, the class has been offered financial aid worth a total of approximately US $2.2 million. Eight students received individual awards in excess of $50,000.

More than half the class (52%) is headed for North America, nearly one in five to Europe (19%), 15 per cent to universities elsewhere (India 7%, rest of Asia 5%, rest of the world 3%) and the remainder have chosen to broaden their horizons on a gap year. Their subjects of choice, from acting to architecture and business to behavioural neuroscience, show a diverse range of passions and interests fitting for the global citizens Woodstock aspires to shape.

They can take comfort in the fact that they join a worldwide network of fellow alumni, bound by shared roots and life experience, who they can turn to for advice and support.

Wherever life takes them, my hope and prayer is that Woodstock has given them the foundations to face the challenges that lie before them and thrive! They can take courage from all they have already achieved and be confident in their potential to attain all they strive to accomplish. They have worked hard, acquired values which will serve them and others well, and made good friends who will be their loyal travelling companions for life. They can take comfort in the fact that they join a worldwide network of fellow alumni, bound by shared roots and life experience, who they can turn to for advice and support. And no matter how far they travel, I’m sure a piece of each one’s heart will forever remain at Woodstock.

Now they can rise like the phoenix that their class logo represents, and realise their dreams!

Dr Jonathan Long, Principal


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