Grade 5 tackles poverty

Grade 5 tackles poverty

In today’s middle years’ assembly, our Grade 5 students set out to explore some of the key aspects of poverty. They considered what it means, who is affected and why poverty is an issue we should all be aware of.


As well as showing videos which provided food for thought about the issues concerning global poverty, they prepared a quiz to test their fellow students’ knowledge on the subject, and to whet their appetite to find out more. You can test yourself with the quiz questions below the photos.

“We would like you to watch the video and to think about what you see, and how it makes you feel. Before you watch, listen and start feeling – please think about how we as tomorrow’s future could make a difference,” said Samuel Francis, Grade 5 student. “Think about how we can stop history from repeating itself and making the same mistakes. We are tomorrow’s creators, artists, scientists, thinkers, leaders, inspirers. Can we make a difference?”


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Quiz: Can you do as well as our middle years students?

Q1) How many people in the world live on less than $1 a day?
  1. Over 33 million people
  2. Over 1 billion people
  3. 50-100 people
  4. 100 million people
Q2) How many homeless people in the US are under the age of 18?
  1. 3 out of 4
  2. 1 out of 3
  3. 2 out of 3
  4. 1 out of 7
Q3) What percent of children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight?
  1. 75-76%
  2. 45-46%
  3. 100%
  4. 27-28%
Q4) What fraction of all the people in the world live without electricity?
  1. 1/2
  2. 1/4
  3. 1/3
  4. 2/5

Q5) Who made the following statement while addressing a Make Poverty History rally in London in 2005? “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is manmade and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.”
  1. Bono
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Chris Martin
  4. Hillary Clinton

Q6) Which region is closest to achieving the targets on reducing poverty and hunger?
  1. Latin America and the Caribbean
  2. Oceania
  3. South-east Asia
  4. North Africa

Q7) Which was the first sub-Saharan African country to achieve the goal of halving extreme poverty?
  1. Nigeria
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Chad
  4. Ghana

Q8) After India, which country has the greatest share of people living in extreme poverty?
  1. Nigeria
  2. Brazil
  3. Bangladesh
  4. China

Q9) Which US president declared: “As the wealthiest nation on Earth, I believe the United States has a moral obligation to lead the fight against hunger and malnutrition, and to partner with others.”
  1. Lyndon B Johnson
  2. Jimmy Carter
  3. Bill Clinton
  4. Barack Obama

Q10) What should you do to help World Poverty?
  1. Start a club at school to help inform students about world poverty
  2. Donate money and items to poverty donation centres
  3. Start an event to raise money for world poverty
  4. All of the above



Q1, B; Q2, B; Q3, D; Q4, B; Q5, B; Q6, C; Q7, D; Q8, D, Q9, D; Q10; D

With thanks to World Poverty Quiz and The Guardian for providing the source for the quiz questions.

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