Woodstock Provides A Range Of Services To Enable Students To Fulfil Their Potential
The LRC offers a full range of facilities to the whole school, be it a place for studying in groups or alone, a classroom for computer learning, or an after-school spot for hanging out. Recreational reading at all levels is encouraged with a wide assortment of popular books, newspapers and magazines.
The Learning Support department provided specialist teacher support to students who have identified learning difficulties, for example dyslexia or dysgraphia, or a special learning need that interferes with their success in the classroom. Occasionally, short term support is available for new students who require it. All students attend regular mainstream classes and Learning Support is provided either through in-class support or during specialist classes such as Library, Art, Drama and Foreign Languages. Special care is taken to ensure that students do not miss classes they really thrive in.
The Learning Support department staff work closely with parents, students and faculty in identifying and assessing needs as well as monitoring interventions. We aim to create an environment where each child is respected as a learner and are able to thrive.
During active attendance at Woodstock:
As students leave Woodstock:
For Woodstock alumni:
The most frequent document requested by alumni is the transcript. This is the one important student document for which Woodstock retains the original and issues certified copies, often many years after the student attended or graduated. Woodstock provides this service to alumni without charge when needed and requested.
For further questions about the Registrar’s services, or to contact the Registrar with an explanation of your needs, please email prashantsingh@woodstock.ac.in.